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Safe Rooms Put in All Classrooms in Small Arkansas City

QUITMAN, ARK. (AP) — school district in a small Arkansas city has installed steel safe rooms in every classroom.

KTHV television station reports that installing the safe rooms cost Quitman Public Schools almost $1 million. The safe rooms can withstand the force of tornadoes in addition to handgun and shotgun rounds.

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Arkansas district adds cubes for classroom safety that feature storm, gunfire protection

QUITMAN -- In the back of a classroom sits a large steel cube bolted to the floor that from the inside resembles a bunker from the Cold War era.

Quitman School District has installed the tornado shelter/safe rooms in all 53 of its classrooms, becoming the first Arkansas school to do so. Each cube is 34 inches wide from the wall, with the length of the structure depending on the size of the classroom and the number of students in the class.

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Quitman Schools: Safety First

Quitman Schools believe in safety first for their students and recently finished installing safe shelters in all of the classrooms. 

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Highlights from the Final Report of the Federal Commission on School Safety

There are several core parts of a comprehensive active shooter preparedness strategy… They include security measures that … seek to create secure spaces within classrooms where students and teachers can shelter in the case of an active shooter.

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